Webcams are always fun, whether its friends or professional work. Here is a collection of free webcam software that allows you right from stream virtual video streams, capturing images, uploading it to FTP, capturing videos from TV Tuner or friends webcam to making the images funny and decorative.
Best Free Webcam Software You can Download
Some of them can upload to FTP right after you take a picture. One of the software also diagnoses your webcam to tell if it has some problem with USB drivers or anything else. You can even use some software to create a fake webcam and use it with services like Zoom, Skype, and more.
- False Camera
- CamSpace
- Booru Webcam
- Yawcam
- SplitCamera
- VideoMage Producer
- Webcam Diagnostics
1] False Camera: Run fake video or share your screen
This application creates fake webcam where you can run a video file and can be selected in most of the chat messenger programs as a source camera. What you need to do is add a couple of videos or the real camera, and when you are ready, double click to play.
Like you can see below, I am running a sample video in the False Camera Program, and the same is being broadcasted in the yahoo messenger My Webcam. This camera is not just made for faking people, but you can also share your screen or a particular region of the screen for demonstration purposes. Very useful when you want to help somebody out with steps.
2] CamSpace: Play Games with hand movements
Kinect hasn’t reached PC games yet, but if you want to play games with your hands, CamSpace is a heck of fun. This application lets you choose a controller, and then you can play games like pop a balloon with that.
Download and read our review here.
3] Booru Webcam
This simple program allows you to capture, zoom images from a webcam and will enable you to save it as BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF formats. A standalone executable file that does not need any installation. Just click it and use it. It also allows images to be directly uploaded to an FTP server as soon as you capture it.
4] Yawcam: Motion Detection and Live Video Streaming
If you are looking for webcam software that supports motion detection and video streaming, this is the right one. It’s Java-based freeware, which also allows for FTP upload of captured images and videos. It has an inbuilt web server through which you can protect the motion detection feature.
Download Yawcam | Find similar software here
5] SplitCamera: Share your webcam between multiple applications
If you want to use your webcam with numerous applications like Skype, Zoom, or any other video conferencing tool, this is the software. SplitCamera can make applications believe that either there are multiple webcams available or your webcam is not busy can still be used. It creates a virtual video clone, and its driver can split the video from your webcam and deliver it to several applications.
It works with web-camera (any models), video cameras ( any model: analog or digital: VHS, DV, TV-IN or TV-tuner ) in video chat. You can also use it with Skype, Zoom, Microsoft teams. It can broadcast it to many users at a time. You can connect up to 64 clients with Splitcam.
6] VideoMage Producer
This software allows you to have control over the incoming video streams. You can use it to manipulate your friend’s webcam and use effects like fading, resize and store on your PC / computer. Yes, it works on real-time images and videos coming from even TV Tunes, pre-recorded video. You can highlight specific areas and add effects to it
Check out the Download page of VideoMage
7] Webcam Diagnostics
Having a Problem with your cam? You can get a free checkup of your cam and they will diagnose your cam right from driver installation to USB issues. It can point to problems and can give you suggestions too. Click to Webcam Diagnostics
Oh my god! I never knew, I could do so much with my built-in webcam. I must really try YawCam. Motion detection and video streams! Sounds like I can make an ultimate spy gadget using that!
Hey Nice compilation!! 🙂 and great effort….applauds!
Haha Yes. Even i liked it a lot. Too good and free
Thanks for posting us! We just yesterday launched some new features that you may be interested in! Please check out the new version of
@Alex: Hi, You are welcome. I likes your software a lot. You can do lot of things I will be checking out the new version. haha I hope you guys just keep it free.
If you want you can post this review on your site somewhere also.
@Ram: Thanks man. Yes pozi is too cool. I have started using it more often now
Phozi & Cameroid seem completely useless, but the rest are nice. Thanks for the tips
Can I use all of them with Mobiola Web Camera?
@William: Yes you should be able to use it with any standard webcam
Cool, thanx a very many times mate 🙂
Been looking for a free cam motion detection piece of software for ages.
But Mobile Web Camera is not standard, it emulates camera.
Thanks for the tips. I don’t have a webcam, but I thought about getting one. Knowing the various softwares offered will be very helpful.
Hi Ashish, you always give us the best technology updates. I’ll be buying a new webcam and these programs are great to maximize its use. Thanks again.
Is there any software to watch yahoo webcams without the users knowledge .
Plz tel me
@Asha: there are I have used it once but then again It was a spyware so i had to delete it once. Its not safe and probably I am not the right person to answer this question
Awesome list. I have been looking for a good webcam program to use that had motion detection. I previously used DigiWatcher but it started to get on my nerves. I am now using Yawcam.
Keep up the good work!
hi i have wanted his for a long time so i tryed downloading the first one and it would not work can you tell me how to do
hi, i wanted to know if it is possible to record someone’s webcam without invitation from them?
Hi!Thanks for sharing this tips to us.
I got one question,can someone record me ( while chatting with cam ) while i chat through ym?
Yes they can but they would need a camcoder or some other hardware. Not through any software. I doubt it
hi how do i download this software? and is this software free and safe?! please reply thanks!
Would this work for my web cam? It’s an iBoost International, Inc. Or do I need a different software? If so, where would I find it? Because I have looked everywhere.