Add Report Spam link in Google Search result

Search results are bound to have spams no matter how strong and smart the algorithm is and the best one to tell if a URL is spam is the end-user because we see it from a different mindset and do not use maths for this. Google Search Index is no exception and so Google Webmaster Central has released a Chrome Extension which adds a link under every search result and it says Report spam.

Report Smap link in Search Result

This link when clicked takes the user to the official Spam Report Form but the form is half filled with data like URL, keyword etc which is sometimes very confusing for the users. Rest of the details like Type of problem, additional details are left for the user to fill. This is good as it helps Google to understand user point of view.

Web Spam Report Form

Hopefully we will see this extension coming out for other browser so even if you aren’t using Chrome you can still enjoy using it.


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