All-round weather report for any Location – AniWeather

If you are interested in getting a detailed weather report for your location, there are several ways to do it; here is a simple way to get an all-round weather report, for any location.

AniWeather is a Google Chrome extension, which can be used to get full details, i.e. temperature, humidity, wind speed, etc. for any location instantaneously.

When installed for Chrome, you will have to choose the location, and if the location name is not shown in the default list, allow Chrome to auto-detect your location, later select some other settings like units for temperature and wind speed etc., now Aniweather can be accessed near the address bar, as shown below.

Get all-round weather report for any location with Firefox add-on Chrome extension

Click on the AniWeather button to get the weather report as shown below.

Comprehensive Weather report for today and next 5 days with AniWeather Firefox and Chrome add-on

It shows a detailed report, and also the forecast of next 4 days.Expected rains are shown with animated rain effects; cloudy weather is depicted by sun partially covered with clouds.

AniWeather is a nice way to get weather reports, if somehow you need to know about the weather and the forecast, go ahead and get it now for your favorite browser.

Visit AniWeather and Install it.


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