Home Graphics


This include both tips and tricks on Online Graphics tool or Stand alone programs like Photo shop or paint. We tell about how it is used, advantages and limitations.

Highlight & Share the web pages with Yellow highlighter pen for web

Highlight & Share the web pages with Yellow highlighter pen for web

Highlighting the text for better understanding is something we have been doing for a long time. In Schools, Colleges, Offices almost everywhere. It is...

Free Download Adobe CS2 with Legal Serial number Now!!

Looks like Adobe is has opened up its Creative Suite 2 for free to everybody which incudes Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop CS2,...
English Version of Metro Calendar

Metro Style Calendar : Wallpaper or Print to Hang on your wall

Vinceranda at Deviant Art has come out with an awesome windows phone 7 metro style calendar which either you can print on a nice good...
Full featured Image Viewer with minimal UI

Nexus Image : Full featured Image Viewer with minimal UI

If we talk about the Image Viewers or the Photo Viewers available for Windows Platforms, there are loads of options available. In fact the native Windows Photo Viewer in itself is a nice viewer which has all the desired features. Well, here is an image viewer for Windows which is unique in its own way; this one is known as Nexus Image, and is available for Free.
UnFreez Gif Creator

UnFreez : The quickest way to to create GIF Image

If you are in a hurry and need to create an animated image or popularly called as GIF, UnFreez is a pretty good solution....
What Color Tool

What Color helps you compare and find new colour combinations

When it comes to colors its hair pulling for many of us and its because we get confused which color combination will look good...
Anant Fuse Pic

Create Panorma and Photo Fuse Pictures : Windows Live Photo Gallery

Windows Live Essential 2011 was rolled out yesterday a product built again from scratch with lot of features. To start with I picked up...
Free software to watermark your photos full featured

Free & Advance Batch Watermark and Resize Photo Software

Watermarking your images/photos can be very useful at times; it saves your creation from theft, as well as works as a signature for you....
Flood in Pakistan

What flood in Pakistan looks like

Images taken by NASA’s Aqua satellite shows clearly how much difference in width of river has come in just one day and you can imagine...
Zoom It

Zoom It : Share high resolution images which you can zoom

Zoom.it is Microsoft's Live Labs online tool which makes sharing and viewing of high-resolution images easy. It converts any online image into Deep Zoom Image  format and...
Preview the perfect photo with PPE

Easiest way to quickly edit your photos for that perfect look

So, you just returned from a nice vacation, or may be from a weekend outing and now when you transferred your photos from your...
Add grain Effect to Photos to make them look like old Analog Photos

Add a grain effect to your photos, like grains in old analog photos

There are so many ways to add some special effects to your photos; probably all of us enjoy playing around with photos. We have featured...

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