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MS Desktop Player

Access Microsoft events, webcasts, podcasts, white papers etc with Desktop Player

tMicrosoft has launched an extremely helpful tool for IT Pro and Developers who often miss Microsoft Online Events, Podcast  and keep breaking their head for white papers in an Ocean Like Search...

Spindex : Microsoft’s Project to bring entire social world in one page

I was expecting this kind of stuff from somebody from a long time. Social Networking has definitely taken over the entire internet world but with so many apps and so many sites...
Versioning Support Office Web Apps

Windows Live Office will have versioning support

According to LiveSide.Net, Windows Life Office, which is the online version of Microsoft Office,  is going to support version feature which is going to take the online collaboration to different level.  This...
Windows Home Server Vail

Download Windows Home Server “Vail” & Features

New Windows Home Server version Vail has been released as public beta to everyone and can be downloaded from here. All you need is the Windows Live ID. In brief Windows...
Windows Anytime Upgrade

Windows Anytime Upgrade prices dropped [ For a while ]

Windows Team decided to lower the prices of Windows Any Time Upgrade on Easter Officially but only for people who buy new PC with Windows 7  can add this in their...

Did any body notice changes in Live Login pages?

Morning when i tried getting into my MSDN Subscription page, I was greeted by a rather neat login page like you see below : With interest to find more when I tried...

Rent Windows and Office : Microsoft adds Rental Rights Licensing

In 2006 we did heard of a program called as Flex Go which aimed pay-as-you go computing model but there was no real happening found but what I did heard today...

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