Manage all remote connections with tabbed interface
Connecting remotely to another machine by SSH or RDP or similar protocols is a common action which we do in an IT industry. However...
Avoid attracting attention by turning off Startup and showdown music
It's a common scenario for me to turn off or mute the volume when I travel in train or air. The major problem is...
Display text files on your Desktop
There could be several reasons to permanently display a text file on desktop, may be as a reminder, a beautiful poem, a note from...
Get free SEO optimization tips using Microsoft SEO Toolkit
SEO or Search engine optimization is one of the areas which every webmaster should be aware of. Search Engines change their way of handling...
Play drums on your Synaptic Touchpad
If you are getting bored using your laptop because the internet is not anywhere close, Synaptic got one cool utility called as Drum Pad...
Change End of Line between Unix and PC
End of Line is a handy tool for people who work around documents created in Unix and PC. In Unix the EOL is lf...
Track if your ISP changes the external IP of your home computer
Accessing remote computer specially at home is required when you are on move or when you are in office. ISP do change IP addresses ...
Free Operating System for kids
I remember posting about Sam’s Interactive Reader, an Adobe AIR based application, which is an interactive storyteller for kids. Now here is another Adobe...
Add virtual recycle bin to Flash / USB drives
I remember my friend Kushal asking me why do files get deleted permanently from USB drives even if you dont do a shift +...
Track and find your stolen Laptop : Prey
If your laptop gets stolen, it could be lethal in so many ways, your personal documents, and confidential official data as well as some...
Levelator : Improved version now supports 24-bit files
We had been using Levelator, an excellent software to adjust the audio levle for podcasting and there is a good news for podcasters as...
Copy your IP address to clipboard in a click
This free software goes for users for whom IP addresses changes a lot and then need to use it while working. Getting your IP...