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Technology Around the World

Students in the Modern World of Technology

Students in the Modern World of Technology: How They Learn

Every part of our lives has been significantly touched by technology, and education is no exception. One would assume that education hasn't evolved much...
Static IP Address

Why Do You Need A Static IP Address For Your Business?

A static IP address is a somewhat permanent IP address assigned to a computer or device connected to the internet. Typically provided upon request...
technology development literature

How the Development of Technology Influenced the Development of Literature

Technology has changed the way we read, work, listen, and live. It is so deeply intertwined with our lives that it becomes increasingly challenging...

How Important is Technology in Education? Benefits, Challenges, and Impact on Students

Technology has become an important part of our lives. We use it for everything, from entertainment to communication and productivity. Therefore, it is no...
Smart TV Developing an App

Do You Speak the Language of Smart TV? Five Things To Consider When Developing...

Online video and smart TV are gathering incredible pace, with Samsung being a leading smart TV manufacturer several years in a row as for...
Efficient Inventory Management Tips

5 Tech Tips For Efficient Inventory Management

As a business leader, you need to get goods to the final consumers to complete the production process. But to do that, there has...

Disruptive Manufacturing Tech Trends; Top 5 in 2020

There has never been a time when technological innovations have had this much impact as they do now. Just when you think manufacturing tech...
Choose the Best Roofing CRM

How to choose the Best Roofing CRM

Are you looking for a simple and easy-to-use roofing CRM for remodelers, contractors, and roofers? If you are a contractor, you need more than...
Mimai Tech Lovers

Why Miami Is The Best City In The World For Tech Lovers

Miami is full of iconic artwork, and it’s a true tropical paradise by definition. What you probably don’t realize is that this beach-side city...

Printers are getting smarter but there is a long way to go

Printer is something most of us use it in our daily life though the media is getting digital every day with more of online...
Laser Guided Robot for Cleaning

A robot to do the job of a Vacuum Cleaner

If you are wasting your energy everyday asking your maid to clean properly or your vacuum cleaner doesn't seem to be just enough, in...
iOS Update

Apple iOS 4.0.2 Removes JailBreak iPhone 4

Apple hs finally released fixes for all its devices in 4.0.2 version. This update will make sure nobody is able to JailBreak by using...

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