Autosave forms data and recover it quickly

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Filling forms for registration or submitting online forms for a request in tech support are few of the everyday activities which we do every day on the internet. Forms are everywhere. But sometimes its our bad luck that we lose data after we submit the data. So in this post, I will share extension for Chrome and Firefox which will autosave forms data and recover it quickly

Autosave forms data and recover it quickly

text Area form data

Textarea Cache is an excellent alternative to Lazarus extension which was available for Firefox. It is available for Firefox and can save a lot of time which is spent filling those forms.

The extension keeps a tab, and whenever you will in a form, it will make a copy of that, and save it in the cache. In case the form submission fails(server timeouts, network issues, browser crashes, power failures, and all the other things) you can fill it automatically by clicking on the extension, and it will reveal the data.

I tried in the same editor which I am using to construct this very post, and you can see how beautifully it has saved all the forms data when you click on Recover Post.

What you should notice here is Textarea Cache is capable of either filling out the complete form or individual areas of the forms.

Autosave forms data

Let’s take a look at some of the configurations and options available using Textarea Cache:

  • Automatically saves form data, and makes it possible in a separate tab
  • Show icon on the navigation bar and context menu.
  • Popup what to show list
  • Intervale to save text
  • Auto clear old cache
  • Exception list

There are few drawbacks though. There is no way to add a password to safeguard the data. It means if your computer is available to others, there is a chance for them to see the data.

This addon makes saving forms data so easy that you are going to love it. I would strongly recommend you to use this addon and keep it forever. 🙂 Download from here

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