Batch Download 5000+ National Geographic Wallpapers [Free app]

Here is an awesome app for wallpaper lovers, especially the Nature Lovers, if you too are one of them, you just can’t afford to miss downloading this free desktop application which allows you to batch download the wallpapers from National Geographic. Once downloaded, just run the .exe file;  select the category of wallpapers, i.e. NatGeo Magazine Walls, or NatGeo Website Walls, use checkboxes for sub category, select a resolution, decide the download path, and ‘Start Download’.

Free application to Batch Download National Geographic Wallpapers

It starts downloading all the wallpapers available in the categories specified by you. NatGeo Website Walls have sub-categories like Photography, Environment, Kids, Science and Animals.

Get the best of Photography, Animal, Kids Wallpapers from National Geographic

If you are a fan of Natinal Geographic Wallpapers or Photos, this is probably the easiest way to grab them in bulk and that too for Free, sounds amazing, inst it? So what are you waiting for go ahead and grab this app now, and start flaunting the best of National Geographic on your desktop. I love wallpapers, and as this app allows me to batch download wallpapers just in few clicks, I am really in Love with this app.

Download NatGeo Wallpaper Downloader, and a special thanks to Stefan Fintea for giving us this Free app.

PS – As per the developers wish, the snapshots of the app shown here are from the official Nozavi’s Apps website.


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