Batch Record multiple Internet radio stations : Stream Writer

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StreamWriter is a free application which lets you record live or recorded streams by different internet radio stations around the world in MP3 or AAC format. As the recording might take lot of space, this application is smart enough to find silence in the recording and skip it. Of course you can manually edit it anytime you want.

Stream Recorder

Few More features :

  • Skips small songs which usually are ads played in between broadcasts.
  • ID 3 Tagging
  • You can listen to it as you record in the background.
  • Potable.

When compared to Similar app like Solway’s App, there is no option for TV recording and if I only compare it to Sound recording App like Screamer, This application wins because of editing ability. Check out Stream Writer


  1. Yeah, those internet radio stations are a pretty good way to get music for my pc or mp3 player. Lately I’ve been using Radiotracker to rip and record music form internet radio stations.

    Radotracker can rip and record music from internet radio stations and save web radio music to mp3 files, that can be easily played back on the pc or other mobile devices. It has a huge database of internet radio stations plus you can always import new found internet radio stations anytime.

    Here’s some tutorial on how to use Radiotracker, if u need any help:


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