BeKnown brings Job Search to Facebook

Facbook which has reached 8 Million Users connected to one another in one or the other has great potential of connectivity and keeping this in mind, Monster launched a Job Based App named as BeKnow which combines the power of Facebook Connectivity with Monster Job Search to bring even more power to the whole process.

We had a meetup with Monster before BeKnow was launched in India and was given a chance to see the app on first hand followed by Question and Answer. The discussion was fruitful and I am putting down my view of how the app is and include part of discussions we had.

Disclaimer : I am no way endorsing  and nor I am paid to write this up. I am putting this here as I found it useful but again since this is the first time, your views might not be the same. So please test it out and share what you like and not like about this app.

Before We start :

The first thing we should know that data which is on BeKnown stays on BeKnown and is not shared on your Facebook profile or to any of your friend. Since the idea here is to find a Job so if you are Job Seeker you will only want to showcase what you have best and not what you do on Facebook.

The Data of Companies which are verified manually are pulled from existing Data on Monster Servers. So if you have a profile on Monster, you can bring it to BeKnow in one click. Check out BeKnown on Facebook.

From a Job Seeker’s View :

Showcase what you want :

You have full control over the profile and information which you want to share. Once imported from Facebook which includes your basic details like school etc, you can then go and it it under your profile section.

BeKnow Profile

You can Add your Experience, Skill Sets, Interests etc to your profile. What is very interesting here is that you can also add Memberships and Awards which you had received either from companies or from anywhere else. This though not verified does gives you chance to add power to your resume.

Job Search :

You are able to Job Search using the same criteria like you have done on Monster, using Title, Keyword and Location. The results which is displayed includes result of companies which are on BeKnown app and also from Monster so this makes sure you can even leave using Monster Online Search if you like to stick on Facebook.

How does the Job Application Work :

For the jobs from companies on BeKnown App, You apply directly staying on Facebook. When you apply for a job on BeKnown, it will send the company a link to your BeKnown profile as your application.  Later on the company if interested contacts you back and then rest of things goes offline into real Job Recruitment Process.


On BeKnown you have just one profile. So if you apply to a job on Beknown, your message goes to the person who posted this job along with your profile link. This means you cannot create multiple resume but since you have all your skills listed on your profile,  the company gets to see it.

But since Jobs are posted on Monster are also available on Beknown. When a user clicks on this job, one is directed to the Monster site. From there on the application process of Monster site applies. It is possible to create multiple resumes on Monster. If one has multiple resumes on Monster, he is asked to choose one from those to apply.

From A Companie’s View :

If your company already doesn’t exist in BeKnown, you just need to specify it as your current company in your profile. Once that is done, you will need to click on the company name in your profile to come to the company page. The company page will show a “Claim company” button. You will be taken through a few steps to claim the company.

Done that you can post a Job and list it on your BeKnown profile. This makes it easy for users who want to stay on Facebook  and get things done.

For Job Applications you get notification with a link to their BeKnown Profile. Since you are just restricted to data which you have on BeKnow, it displays only that for a Job poster and nothing from their Facebook Status updates etc. This keeps things clean.

Summary :

Overall things look fine here and since lot of people hangout on Facebook, it will be easy for them to use this interface than any other. This platform has long way to go and while there is lot more things a Facebook user will require than just posting and applying, we will have to see how it goes from here.


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