Many a time, you create folders and then empty them but forget to delete. Now when you try to clean up your computer, you keep getting into the folder to see if its containing files or not, and all you end up is with peeking into empty folders. In this post, we will share a list of software that can help you find and delete empty folders on Windows 10
Best software to find empty folders
These are some of the best software I have used to figure out empty folders.
- Remove Empty Directory
- FMS Empty Folder Remover
- Folder Size for Windows
They are free, integrate with the context menu, and show folder size when necessary. Once you find empty folders in Windows 10, delete them.
1] Remove Empty Directory
It can scan folders and list empty folders with color marking. Some folders are own by the system, and they should be deleted. Using color-codes, the software will mark the folder in red if you should not delete it. Learn how to download and use Remove Empty Directory.
2] FMS Empty Folder Remover
If you have too many empty folders on Windows, then you can use this tool to batch delete empty folders on Windows 10. You can keep stacking list of files or folders. Download and learn how to use FMS Empty Folder
3] Folder Size for Windows
It is a free utility which ads Size column on File Explorer. As soon as you enter inside a folder, a floating window with a folder name and size will show up. Then you can sort it based on size and find out folders that are empty or have very few files. Read more about it here.
You can do it in File Explorer as well, but thats too many steps. Look for folder size option as a filter in the explorer, and then it will only list those empty folders.