Bing Maps – “Powered by Nokia Maps”

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Finally it has started rolling out. We all know how powerful Nokia Maps are, specially Nokia Drive and after the deal that Nokia and Microsoft had it only made sense for the giant to integrate one of the best feature into Bing, the power of Maps. This happened today as per the announcement of Nokia Conversation.

There are two parts of Bing which is powered by Nokia :

Traffic Information : Now you can even get the traffic info on Bing map from countries like India where Nokia has a very strong presence.  As Nokia Maps is available  in 24 countries (Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UAE, UK and US), Bing Maps will show live traffic for all of them.

This was something never thought of going beyond US boundaries but now its a great news for all of them.

Geocoding Algorithm : Bing Maps now use the Nokia geocoding algorithms which helps to find address more accurately which by taking latitude and longitude information and connects that to a readable address. This means you can find stuff much more accurately and this forms the basis of Nokia Drive and hence exact turn by turn navigation.

Summary : The biggest advantage will go to the Non Nokia Windows Phone users who will be able to use the Nokia Maps without having the app but with default Bing installed.

Said that this is the starting of how Bing will slowly turn into Nokia Maps or you can say it might just remain a wrapper name of the actual powerful Nokia maps. I dont know but it would be cool that Bing should have the label which says “Powered By Nokia Maps”


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