Bring Ruled lines to OneNote ( Both New and Old )

Heavy OneNote Users Only : If you still have the school feeling of writing upside or downside when you switched from ruled paper to Plain sheets, One note has an amazing ruled lines feature for you. Go to File > Options > Display and select Create all new pages with ruled line.

OneNote Rule Lines

Tada!!! From now the ruled lines will support you for writing all of them with equal differences.The only disadvantage of this feature is that it works only for new OneNote Sections so the old one will never have it. It can have it but you have to enable for them manually one by one.

  • Go to View Menu Item
  • Select Ruled Lines and here you have lot of options.
  • You can create ruled lines or one with grids, remember those boxes for Maths ? You can even choose the color.

Rule Line in One Note

This way you can create rule line for all the OneNote Page but individually.


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