Bulk download all your Instagram Images (or any User)

Instagram is one of the most popular image sharing services across social networks, and if you are one of those users sharing the awesome pictures with everybody but always hated that there is no option to download them to your computer, Instagram Downloader has some great news for you.

Instagram Downlaoder is a free application for Windows which allows you to mass download images from your account or any other user if you know the user name.  So this means it does not ask you do login to your account but only needs a username and then uses the API to display all images.

How to use ?

Once you install it, click on the  Input Username and type in the username for which you would like to view the images. Once done it will fetch the list of images posted by the user and gives you option to :

  • Select multiple photos and download on your computer
  • Link for each of these pictures which you can view in browser.
  • You can even download individual photos by clicking on the Download Text
  • You can rearrange photos to change the order of download.
  • You can also download all these links into a text file using the Export List option. This can be useful if you want to pass on this text file to be parsed by any other downloader.
  • You can set for AutoRun mode which will start the Download of the images set for a user instantly.
  • You can also make it portable using the portable option in the Help Section.
  • The application can auto update to the latest version when you connect to internet.

Free Instagram Downloader

This completes the functionality of the application and gives me a lot of surprises that why Instragam is such a closed service which does not allow users to download them from the website. In-fact there is nothing on the web except your account details. Even the registration can be done only from mobile which makes sense but not having the option to download my own images to desktop does not.

So the only other way apart from this and any similar application is your mobile phone from where you can share individual photos over email or use the picture hub for that.

Touch Mode : This application is also optimized for touch based devices like your PC or any tablet you have.  The user interface changes a bit which makes sure selection does not cause any problems.


Download this application from here



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