Bypass UAC: Launch Program with elevated permission in Windows 10

UAC or User Account Control is an inbuilt security system which pops up into action whenever a program window determines cannot be trusted to grant complete or partial access. It is necessary to keep your computer and data secure. But what becomes annoying is even though you know that the program is trusted, you are asked for it. In this post, we will share how you can launch the program with elevated shortcut bypassing UAC Prompt in Windows 10.

Bypass UAC: Launch Program with elevated permission in Windows 10

While UAC can be entirely controlled by bringing the level down, so it does not ask for permission all the time, but if you change it, it will affect all.

1] Using Elevated Shortcut Program

Instead, this program called ElevatedShortcut which is part of WinAero Tweaker. It is handy when you want to run known programs under UAC Trust, which means no more pops for granting permission.

Run Program with UAC Windows 10

The program creates a shortcut to the program you want to launch with trust. The only drawback here is that you should always use that shortcut when you want to start the program. It will contain the trust factor along with it.  Make sure you give the proper path of the program as full access will be given

Download Winaero Tweaker

2] Schtasks with Shortcut

Create Task to run Program with Task Scheduler

If you want, you can create a shortcut manually, and use parameters in this method to run the program with elevated privileges but using Task Scheduler

  • Open Task Scheduler and create a new task.
  • In the Task creator window, switch to Actions > New
  • In New Action, make sure to select Start a Program from the dropdown. Then select the program using the browse button.
  • Back to Task creator, switch to General tab, and then check the box which says “Run with highest privileges.”
  • Make sure to set a name for the task.
  • Get back to Desktop, and right-click on any empty place, and create a new shortcut.
  • In the location text box, add— schtasks /run /tn “MyProgramNameELV”
  • Save it.

Run Admin Tasks using Shortcut

Next time when you run the program using the shortcut, it will run the task scheduler, and execute the program with admin privileges.



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