Change background colour image you open in Firefox and Chrome New Tab

When you open an image in a new tab in Firefox, it gives you a dark background. While it works most of the time, I have my reasons why I do not like it. So in this post, I will share how you can change the background color for an image which you open in a new tab in Firefox or Chrome.

Chrome doesn’t have the issue as it offers a white background. But if you wish to change it, you can use the chrome extension of it which does the same job.

Change background color image you open in Firefox and Chrome New Tab

Here are my reasons I want to have a different background.

  1. Dimensions for Black borders or dark borders images will not be precise here. It is a crucial point if you are a designer. Firefox does not give you an option to change the background color.
  2. Because of the background color, the Transparent Images looks incorrect.

Transparent Image in Firefox

So here is a simple add-on to fix this problem. Image Background Color Picker Extension allows you to have your background image, and change it anytime you want. Once installed, go to Add-ons, open the preference of the extension, and choose a color. the default is set to white.

Background Image color picker

That said, I would have loved if the addon allowed me to change the background color in real-time or let me switch between background color quickly. That would have helped me evaluate how the image will look under different background, which otherwise will need more effort.

I am sure there must some plugins which can work better than this. If you know such an extension which work on Firefox and Chrome, let me know in the comments.

Download and Install Image Background Color picker extension. If you are on chrome, download the extension from here.


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