Clip and share parts of any webpage on the fly

It often happens that you want to share some selective content from a webpage, in such case simply copying the URL and sharing it doesn’t serve our purpose well.

We do have some tools which help us in posting only the specific content from the page, in the same series; here is a tool, named as Memonic.

In order to start using the Memonic, you will have to sign-up with them for a free account (there is a paid version too). Once done with account creation, login to your account, you will be redirected to a page which has the Memonic bookmarklet, which reads ‘save to Memonic’, drag and drop this on the bookmarks toolbar of your browser.

Clip and share specific parts from a webpage

Now whenever you are on a webpage, from which you want to share some specific parts with your friends, click on the Memonic bookmarklet, and simply select the parts by clicking, later click on the ‘Save Selection’ button, and the selection is saved in your inbox on Memonic.

Now go to your Memonic inbox, and there you can share it the way you want, i.e. either via email, or post it directly to Twitter or Facebook account.

Share clipped parts of a Webpage with Memonic

Memonic is a great way of sharing specific content from a webpage; people with whom you share the parts of any webpage can also comment on you shares. This reminds me of Awesome Highlighter, which also is another great way of sharing specific parts of a webpage with others.

Try Memonic, and share your views about it with us.


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