Compare directories for keeping backedup data in sync

Most of us who are serious about data always keep their files backed up either online or on network folder. But what happens when there is change either in source folder or the backed up data ( target ) ? We will not know that until we monitor the folders regularly which is very tedious job.

Directory Compare is a free but very powerful tool which allows you to compare two directories to find out what has changed with an excellent GUI in place useful for even novice users.

Directory Compare
Directory Compare

I will list down the features for you to make it easy :

  • Tracks for New Source or Target files.
  • Compare Multiple Directories
  • Can skip Equal File size and supports sub directories.
  • Allows Selective comparison.
  • Update and Sync target or source with each other in one click.
  • Supports Filter with Regular expressions.
  • Supports Third Part comparators. So if you already have a comparisons software in place you can verify it right from the application.
  • High Configurable Menus. For example if you want to change double click action from Opening file to Update you can do it. Very useful if you perform certain actions more often.
  • Integrate Right Click context menu so you can launch right from your Windows Explorer.
  • Save comparison options so next time you want to compare just load the settings from file.
  • Portable.
Directory Compare options
Directory Compare options

Download Directory Compare

Related : Save and compare active directory snapshots with Advanced Active Directory Explorer


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