Decode file formats with File Scanner

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File Scanner is a free utility which allows you find the file format even if there is no extension added or if you dont have the application installed with you.  For example of somebody sends you an executable file ( which can be a virus ) in form of  unknown format or even a known format, File Scanner can find exact file format by reading the header of that file. here is an example of PNG which I renamed it to a text file.

Checking File header using File Scanner
Checking File header using File Scanner

In case you are an expert on file analysis or a developer you can further analyze that file to check header, signature, trailer and its hex value which is displayed in a tree format.It can be exported in .bin format to be analyzed further.

Exporting data using File Scanner
Exporting data using File Scanner

Download a free copy of File Scanner from here.

Facts :

Header is something like an index which tells us more about the file itself. Though a regular user don’t have to even think about it but if you are creating a new file type you should add information on how it can be parsed and read. Using this different applications are developed by different developers to read the same file system.


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