There could be several reasons to permanently display a text file on desktop, may be as a reminder, a beautiful poem, a note from your loved one, etc.
Klogshow is an awesome app, which has ability to display the text files on your desktop; here is how it shows the text file on the desktop.
Yes, Klogshow displays the text file on the desktop in a translucent window.
Setup file for Klogshow is less than 6MBs to download and later you can easily install this on your system.
Once installed, it can be accessed via the system tray, and also you can configure it there to show different text files on your desktop.
General tab allows you to choose the looks i.e. how Klogshow will display your files and other settings like scroll bar etc.
Files tab allows you to select the files which you want to display on the desktop, you can select multiple files as well, a file if edited, the Klogshow immediately reflects the changes in display as well..
Klogshow definitely is definitely a nice app; this could be useful as reminders as well.
Go ahead, try it, and share your views about it with us.
I am using Windows xp, and the writing appears in code, not the text I chose.
Windows xp. Code shows up instead of text.
Using Windows xp, the text shows up only as code.
@Deborah Reynolds Though I have not tested this app on Windows XP, but I think it should work, I will try it on Windows XP, and will let you know.