When you move between networks, most of the time, you are required to update your DNS so that connectivity to the internet or the server can be maintained. However, doing it, the traditional way has too many steps. It is needed when you switch networks, and they all have their own profile, and you need to make sure the DNS works.
DNS Exchanger lets you switch DNS IP superfast
DNS exchanger is a freeware that lets you switch between predefined DNS or previously used DNS in just one click. This can save the 5-minute process to update the same thing in Windows. Since it remembers the previous DNS IP, You can always click change to switch back to the earlier used DNS settings.
The software, in turn, changes DNS settings in the Network adaptor of the computer. Most of the Windows changes can be made through the command line, which is exactly how the software works.
However, if you have to change your IP, this will not be much of help. We would recommend you to use Net Con Manager which takes care of maintaining profiles if you keep switching to a different office or work areas, or you can use the NetSetMan to change the IP address of all the networks you are connected to.
Also, there is no way to backup old DNS; you will have to manually enter the IP address every time you wish to change. I wish the software had an option that allows it to use a script to change the IP from a text file that was formatted to pick up the DNS entries. Lastly, it only changes one DNS. The network has the option to add a fallback DNS, but you cannot change it from here.
You can download DNS Exchanger from the linked page.