Download Facebook Outlook Social Connector

Outlook Social connector is small section under every mail you read using Outlook 2010 which gives you an overview of the mail senders recent activity like recent mails, attachments, meeting etc. Now when this connector integrates with sites like  Facebook, Linkedin, MySpace and Windows Live Messenger and gets you the latest updates into the Outlook making it easier to see what that person is up to without going to any of these sites.

Manav Social Connector

How to use this Outlook Social Connector ?

  • Once Installed, launch your Outlook. Check a mail from a known person and open the connector which will look like the image above.

JC Soc Connector

  • Now you will have to key in your credentials inside the connector settings. Now when you add any person, the email id is checked with that site and updates are pulled in.

Social Connector Settings

  • If you want to add that person to any of the social site, you can just hit the plus icon and add them to account.
  • You can also configure frequency of the  update by clicking on settings which appear when you click “on another social network”.

SC Update settings

These social connector are addons for Outlook which you can download from here. Recently support for Facebook and Windows Live Messenger was added.


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