Download Google Maps on your computer

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I remember when our family was on Rajasthan Tour, Getting road maps and directions from Google Maps was a bit of problem because of low-bandwidth. Though Google Maps is pretty light but speed is not same everywhere so only if I had an offline copy on my computer, I would have seen everything a lot easier.

GMapCatcher is an offline maps viewer for Maps. This application can download and save a copy of Map from providers such as: CloudMade, OpenStreetMap, Yahoo Maps, Google Map.Very helpful when you are not connected to internet or bandwidth is pretty slow.

Offline Google Maps Search
Offline Google Maps Search

The best part of this application is that you can search in Offline Mode also. However you should use the same search text which you had used when searching in Online Mode.

Download Google Maps
Download Google Maps

Maps are saved along with information about Latitude, Longitude, Width, Height, Zoom Level with Max Zoom Level. This application works on Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX. Download it from here. Thanks Erez @ DownloadSquad


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