Download / Preview selected files from hosted ZIP / RAR files

LoudScout is a free utility which allows you to get a preview of what is inside a Zip / RAR file before you actually download it. This comes very handy when you want to preview whats inside a zip file without wasting much of bandwidth downloading it.

Next,  if you want to download only few files from the zip file, it allows you to do that. As an example, if a zip file has a lot of PDF files, and you want to download some of them, this helps.

Features of LoudScout :

  • It can access files both via FTP or HTTP which means if you want to preview a music or media file, It is  capable of streaming them to you. So you can be little sure that song you are going to download is not corrupt or is of good quality.
  • Supports User Name Password for FTP and Port number in case HTTP file.
  • For media files, you can get info about its Size, Artist name, Album Name etc if the file has its metadata available in the correct format.
  • It can also integrate with the browser making it easy for you to launch such files in Local Scout.
  • Said this, It comes with a download manager in built which can be paused, resume etc.
  • Add sites to favorites.

How to use it ?

  1. Copy the link which you want to preview.
  2. Click on Open URL and select appropriately. In case of FTP, you do not need link if you just want to login and view the files as they come.
  3. When you preview the zip or rar file, select and click on Get Info. This will generate the preview of  the files inside the Zip file.
  4. Then you can individually download files inside or the complete zip file.

LocalScount Zip Preview

Overall an excellent utility, which you can, use in combination with any of the download managers.| Download LoudScout


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