Download Yahoo Messenger 11 ( Features )

Yahoo Messenger 11 Beta is out and it is coming with some new features which will be really useful for people who are active on Facebook on Twitter. Below are the features :

  • Chat Archive is now online which is same as Google Talk. Before it was stored on local computer and not many people were comfortable with. Another good thing here is that you can import your chat archive from the computer to online. Neat.

YMessenger Chat History Online

  • Facebook Chat Integration:  Now you can chat with Facebook Users in Yahoo Messenger which is similar to integration of Live Messenger with Facebook we saw before.  You can also right click anytime to see the profile of the Facebook Friend.

Facebook Chat YM

  • Now since you have hundreds of friends there, your Yahoo messenger will be full of notification of friend coming and going off. Sadly there is no separate notification set for Facebook to turn off but you have an option to sign out only from Facebook Chat Only.

Signout of Facebook Yahoo Messenger

  • Status Update now is integrated with Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo Updates. So you can choose to update both on your Twitter Timeline and Facebook Wall right from here.

YM Status Update

  • Connected Networks : This is a new option in Yahoo Messenger Options which allows you to change option for your connection with Facebook or Twitter and any other you have in there.

Few things missing in my opinion with this beta are :

  • Notification Preferences for each connection.
  • Tighter integration of Facebook contact and Yahoo messenger contact.

One thing I would have loved, Twitter Mention Notification. Though that is going a bit far for now. Download Yahoo Messenger 11 from here


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