Easy tool to compare Microsoft SQL database schemas

If you had always hated to write SQL queries to find the difference between schemas of two database and specially when they are on remote servers, MSSQL.SchemaDiff is a free software you should consider trying out once.


Its a portable application so you can carry in your USB and is capable of connecting to remote machines either using Windows or SQL Authentication. It supports MS SQL 2005 and above.

MS SQL Diff Compare Options

It is also possible to set what you want to compare which is a required option when size of database is huge. You can choose to opt in or opt out Tables ( Keys, Constrains, Columns, triggers and indexes ), Views, Synonyms, Stored Procedures and Functions, Security ( Users and Roles. )

MS SQL Diff Filters

Also you can ignore ordinal values, Merge, Collation and Ansi Padding if not required.| Download


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