Enable DNA to increase uTorrent Download Speed

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DNA in uTorrent is a service from BitTorrent which helps you increasing utorrent download speed. The technique used is very simple, it accelerates by downloading in parallel from multiple sources and for a shorter period instead of using the same source for a longer time. It is also called as BitTorrent Delivery Network Accelerator. You can use DNA to increase uTorrent speed.

BitTorrent DNA is faster because it delivers downloads to you from multiple, nearby sources in parallel. It looks for sources which are closer, and it also uses your network connection to deliver content required by others. Your connection is used only when it is idle; so, your internet performance is never slowed.

Enable DNA to increase uTorrent Download Speed

The advantage of using DNA is that it removes the bottleneck by distributing the load to multiple sources instead of us just one source. Of course, the number of seeds is still one reason. You can think of it as threading. DNA service makes most of the peer-to-peer service as it exchanges data with others i.e. if you gave data A and your peer has data B and you both need it, an exchange is made.

  • First You need to get the DNA Clinet which is a separate installation from BitTorrent client. I am using uTorrent.

  • Second you need to enable DNA in the uTorrent client.
    • Go to Options > Preferences > DNA
    • Check the option which says Enable DNA Powered Downloads.
    • You can also get an alert when a DNA powered downloads are included

uTorrent DNA


Not every content you download is DNA powered. Only content which has used DNA technology to distribute and is getting downloaded by the client can make use of it. You can read more about DNA Service in their FAQ to get clear ideas and queries you might have.

How to make your own DNA Accelerated Content?

Bittorrent DNA Online

BitTorrent used to have an online service just for this, but it has been retired. So there is no way to get it done now. Thats how it used to look like.


  1. I have the latest version of uTorrent 2.2 and after installing the DNA client, there is nothing to click in my preferences for DNA….did I do something wrong?

  2. Yeah, same here. No DNA option in uTorrent preferences menu. Perhaps it’s only available in the uTorrent 3 alpha?


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