Enable Multitasking Gestures in iPad 1 without JailBreak ( Windows )

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Jailbreaking my iPad is something which I have never done but when Multitasking Gestures was rolled out to iPad 2 only, I was kind of disappointed and thought its time I do the jailbreak stuff but thanks to Lifehacker Post, it is possible to get the Jailbreak as well as Display Mirroring on your iPad One using a Redsnow ( Redsn0w ) Hack. Though after applying this, I learned that I can live without it because there are very few gestures.

iPad Multitasking Gestures

Here is what you do followed by the video demo at the end.

Turn on the DFU Mode :

  • Download The Gestures only hack from this forum post.
  • Connect your iPad to your computer and launch iTunes.
  • Next you run the hack ( it’s an EXE ) and on the hack screen, Click on Jailbreak Button.
  • It will take you through steps where you need to put your iPad in DFU mode which is recovery mode for iPad, specially used to install Firmware.
  • In short recovery mode is turned on by Holding the Reset / Wakeup Menu + Home Button for 10 Seconds, followed by release of reset button but keeping the home button pressed for another 10 to 12 seconds.
  • The hack guides you through the process so just follow the on-screen instructions.

JailBreak Option on Ressnow
Installing Multi Gesture Hack :

  • Next your iPad will go white and then like dead but you will see the hack updating things on your iPad so stay calm. Once it is done with all Geeky Kernel Updates.
  • Now on the hack screen you will see Option to Install Cydia , Install Custom Bundle,  and Enable multitask gestures.Choose Gestures option and then keep looking at your iPad Screen or grab a coffee.

Option to Choose Multitask Gestures

  • Once your iPad Reboots, you go to Settings  > General and you will see the option of Jailbreak Enabled.

Video Demo : ( Watch on YouTube )

Via Lifehacker ( Read this post for Mac )


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