Speed up or Slow down YouTube Videos by changing playback speed

Many of us love watching videos with YouTube and other such services, watching video is an excellent way of learning things and at times to understand the functionality of some new software, or to understand  ‘How to.’ Still, often we come across videos that take lots of time explaining something pretty simple, or somehow, these videos are kind of elongated. In this video, we will share how you can change YouTube Playback speed either by increasing or decreasing the speed.

Change YouTube Playback Speed: Speed up or Slow down YouTube Videos

Speed up or Slow down YouTube Videos by changing playback speed

I have come across some videos which we start watching thinking to get something useful out of it. Still, after watching the whole video, we realize, as if we wasted our time waiting for something which we thought is about to be shown in the video, but it never did.

The good news is that YuTube offers this as a native feature, i.e. built into the YouTube Player, so you do not need any add-on or extension.

  • Open any YouTube video, and wait for it to start playing the actual video
  • Next, click on the configuration or COG looking icon, and select Playback
  • It will offer you the option to fast forward or slow down the video
  • Do note that it will also slow down or speed up the audio of the video. It may just sound funny.

Video Speed Controller for all HTML 5 Videos

Video Speed Controller HTML5 Videos

While that works for only YouTube, if you want to Speed up, slow down, advance and rewind any HTML5 video, then you need this extension. The best part is that it offers quick keyboard shortcuts. Interesting to note that HTML5 videos have this feature as a native API, which is limited, but the extension unlocks it.

  • S – decrease playback speed.
  • D – increase playback speed.
  • R – reset playback speed.
  • Z – rewind video by 10 seconds.
  • X – advance video by 10 seconds.
  • V – show/hide controller.

You can configure the default 10-second value for increment and decrement. It will work on Prime Videos, Netflix, and even on YouTube. Since it offers keyboard shortcuts, it is straightforward to use.

Video Playback Shortcut Settings

Like you can see in the settings, you can not only configure speed for each of the controllers but also change the keyboard shortcuts. You can also add new shortcuts and more controls. The option also allows you to disable speed control on certain websites.

Overall these are excellent ways to Speed up or Slow down YouTube Videos by changing the playback speed.


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