We had reviewed couple of File Renamer applications which work on mass or batch mode but today we found one which comes with a very useful feature, keeping your old file names in logs so if you want to revert back anytime you can. How many of us can remember each names ? If you can you are pretty much gifted!!.
Free File Renamer is a java based application which makes it run on any platform, however using this is complex and I will tell you why.
- First You need to backup old names into a text file.Copy and rename to something else, e.g. newfilenames.txt
- Now edit the newfilenames.txt and change the name to what you want and then remove the extension. ( I guess that’s a bug )
- Now Go to Operations Tab, Reload New Names.Define how you want to rename and apply.
- Once done this you need to click on Rename button.
Overall this application needs bit of rework and cut number of steps. It is still in beta but the concept of saving the old names of the files is pretty unique. Till we get better version you can use this to save file names at least.Try this by downloading it from here.
Hope will be more developped.
Nice utility, just
downloaded it, Thanks 🙂