Many a times you might have noticed that when you try to turn your computer off it waits for something, Windows displays a message that some programs are yet to respond. Same thing happen when your computer tries to get into sleep mode when kept idle for sometime.
To find out try the follow steps :
- Type CMD in the start menu, right click and run it as administrator.
- Now type powercfg /requests
- This will display applications and drivers which might be troubling you.
Enumerate application and driver Power Requests. Power
Requests prevent the computer from automatically powering off
the display or entering a low-power sleep mode.
It scans the display, system and awaymode sections of your computer and if you find any issues listed, you will have to troubleshoot each of them individually.
Related : powercfg –ENERGY Report to Improve battery life in Windows 7
This ia a nice review, thanks for sharing useful manipulations.
Hi, my question is that; does it needs to run when the problem is occurring? cannot work differently on windows7