Fix Blurry Fonts problem in Windows 11/10 (Browser, Settings, Apps, Fonts)

Installed a fresh copy of Windows or bought a new monitor to go with your setup and facing some issues with the text appearing blurry in Windows PC? In these modern days, users often tend to purchase a high-resolution display but often forget to adjust the operating system to match it. DPI, Dots Per Inch, is a measure of your display’s resolution; wrongly adjusting it could be causing some issues. This post will guide you on how to fix the blurry fonts problem in Windows 11/10.

Fix Blurry Fonts problem in Windows 11/10 (Browser, Settings, Apps, Fonts)

Fix Blurry Fonts Problem in Windows 11/10

The blurry fonts issue could be occurring due to several reasons or also could be an application-specific issue. Here’s the list of all the methods we will be following that is worth a try:

  1. Using Settings
  2. Using System Properties
  3. Manually Adjust Display Properties for an Application
  4. Adjust ClearType
  5. Adjust Scaling

Once done, do not move the monitor to another computer; otherwise, you will have to redo things again.

1] Using Settings

How to Fix Blurry Apps Problem using Settings

Windows houses a built-in option to let Windows fix apps, so they’re not blurry; this could be an easy fix for many people; here’s how to do so:

  • Open the Settings Panel in Windows 11/10 (Win + I)
  • Navigate to System > Display
  • Under Scale and Layout, find and select Advanced Scaling Options.
  • Here, under Fix Scaling for apps, you’ll find a toggle to let Windows try to fix apps, so they’re not blurry; toggle the option on.

2] Using System Properties

How to Fix Blurry Apps Problem using System Properties

Another common mistake that users make is not adjusting their apps for the best appearance in Windows 10. Here’s how to adjust it:

  • Open the Run Dialog Box in Windows 11/10, either using Win + R or by searching for the same in the Start Search Box.
  • Here, type in sysdm.cpl and press Enter on your keyboard or the OK button on the screen.
  • Under System Properties, advance to the Advanced Tab, and under the Performance heading, choose the Settings button.
  • From the three available options, choose Adjust for best Appearance and click Apply.

You should now immediately see some differences in the UI, text, font, and more.

3] Manually Adjust Display Properties for an Application

[How to Fix Blurry Apps Problem using Program DPI

If you are facing issues with just an application such as Chrome, Edge, Photoshop, or any other application, here’s what you can to do try and fix:

  • Select your application, make a single right-click, and choose Properties.
  • Navigate to the Compatibility tab, and choose Change High DPI settings.
  • Check both the checkboxes stating Use this setting to fix this program’s scaling problems and Override High Dpi scaling behavior.
  • Click on Ok, Apply, and close the window.

4] Adjust ClearType to fix the blurry fonts problem in Windows

How to Fix Blurry Apps Problem using ClearType

ClearType is Microsoft’s implementation of subpixel rendering technology in rendering text in a font system. ClearType attempts to improve the appearance of text on certain types of computer display screens by sacrificing color fidelity for additional intensity variation. Here’s how you can enable it:

  • Open the Start Search Box and search for Cleartype.
  • From the results, choose the one stating Adjust Cleartype text
  •  In the new window that opens, check the checkbox stating Turn on Cleartype and choose the Next button at the bottom.
  • Here, you’ll be displayed various types of text for five iterations; choose the one that best fits you and click on Next.
  • Once fully completed, you should notice a difference in the text before and after.

5] Adjust Scaling

How to Fix Blurry Apps Problem using Scaling Options

Windows houses a built-in option to let Windows fix apps, so they’re not blurry; this could be an easy fix for several people. Here’s how to do so:

  • Open the Settings Panel in Windows 11/10 (Win + I)
  • Navigate to System -> Display
  • Under Scale and Layout, find and select Advanced Scaling Options.
  • Here, under Custom Scaling, you’ll find a text box to enter the scaling percentage. Try and find the one that fits you the best.

With that said, how big of a font size do you prefer on your Windows 11/10 PC? Do let us know by dropping a comment down below.


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