Fix Desktop Font Size not clear in Windows 11/10

Whether you’ve got a laptop with a tiny screen or a desktop with a huge monitor, the fonts appearing on your screen may be too small or too big to read comfortably. While Windows should automatically scale based on the monitor resolution you’re on, it may not be perfect all the time. Thankfully, Windows offers an interactive new menu that can easily adjust the text size for the entire operating system or just for particular parts of the interface. This post will guide you to fix desktop font size when not clear in Windows 10. It also means you will learn how to change or adjust the font size in Windows.

Fix Desktop Font Size not clear in Windows 11/10

Fix Desktop Font Size not clear in Windows 11/10

There could be numerous reasons behind the text being not clear on your computer screen in Windows 11/10, either it could be due to small or large text size, due to slight fringing, and more.

  1. Change Font Size via Settings
  2. Adjust Scaling
  3. Configure ClearType

You don’t need admin permission to change these.

1] Change Desktop Font Size via Settings

If you have trouble reading text due to its small or large text size in Windows 10, adjusting the font size alone from the Settings panel could help. Here’s how to do so:

Fix Desktop Font Size not clear in Windows 11/10

  • Open the Settings Panel in Windows 11/10 (Win + I)
  • Navigate, find, and select the Ease Of Access menu.
  • Here, Under the Display options, find and choose the Make Text Bigger menu, and drag the slider to adjust the font size based on your preference.

Next up, rather than just increasing the font size for the text displayed in Windows 10, one can also easily increase the font size for everything displayed. Here’s how to do so:

Make Everything bigger Windows 10

  • Once again, head over and open the Settings Panel in Windows 11/10 (Win + I)
  • Navigate, find, and choose the Ease Of Access menu.
  • Next, Underneath the Display options, find the Make Everything Bigger menu; now, from the dropdown, select a suitable value that fits you perfectly, ranging from 100%, 125%, 150%, or 175%.
  • Additionally, you can try experimenting until you find the size that fits you perfectly.

2] Adjust Scaling

Instead of rather increasing only the font size, one could adjust the scaling to fit the display perfectly. Adjusting the scaling will result in changing the ratios of everything fitting in the screen; if that’s fine, Here’s how to do so:

Fix Scaling for Apps

Fix Scaling for apps Windows 10

  • Head over to the Settings Panel in Windows 11/10 (Win + I)
  • Find and select the System menu, then navigate to Display options.
  • Next, under Scale and Layout options, select the link to Advanced Scaling Options.
  • Now, toggle the option on stating let Windows try to fix apps, so they’re not blurry, which could be found under Fix Scaling for apps.

Adjust Custom Scaling Options

custom scaling Windows 10

  • Pull open the Settings Panel in Windows 11/10 (Win + I)
  • Find and select the e System menu, then navigate to Display options.
  • Next, under Scale and Layout options, select the link to Advanced Scaling Options.
  • Here, Enter a scaling percentage in the text box available under Custom Scaling options.

3] Configure ClearType

cleartype Windows 10

ClearType is a software technology developed by Microsoft that claims to improve text readability on existing LCDs, such as laptop screens, Pocket PC screens, and flat-panel monitors. With ClearType font technology, the words on your computer screen look almost as sharp and clear as those printed on a piece of paper. Here’s how to set it up:

  • Pull open the Settings Panel in Windows 11/10 (Win + I).
  • Next, in the search box, type in ClearType, and from the results, choose the one stating Adjust Cleartype text.
  • Next up, check the checkbox stating Turn on Cleartype and choose the Next button at the bottom, in the new window that opens upon clicking the result from Search.
  • With that done,  you’ll be displayed text in various fonts and sizes for five iterations; Select the one that fits you the best, and you’re good to go.

With that said, did you prefer to adjust the font size for the text alone or the whole operating system? Do let us know by dropping a comment down below.


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