If you have installed VMware view connection server and on launching it from the shortcut it opens a webpage saying that The page cannot be displayed, don’t worry, your vmware view server installation is fine but for some strange reason the machine is not able to understand localhost.
- Right click on the shortcut, created right after the installation, and go to Properties.
- The url which is http://localhost/admin/ which is not working.
- However if you type in your browser http://<yourmachinename>/admin/ it works fine.
Since editing the url is not possible for that shurtcut, create a new one.
- Right click on desktop, New > Shortcut > Add the url http://<yourmachinename>/admin/
- Copy the icon path from the existing shortcut which you can find using the change icon button. For me it is %SystemRoot%\Installer\{323ABFB3-7444-4DE1-B3EA-274A0FFDEDA1}\arp.ico
- Paste it in the new shortcut using the same button.
- Delete the older one.
but mine said https:// instead of http:// and greyed out.
not working for me