Fix: Voice Typing Not Working on Windows PC

Voice typing is an excellent feature that saves time and helps you complete more work in less time. The feature works flawlessly in recognizing your voice, transcribing it, and even adding automatic punctuation. It can get annoying when such a productive feature stops working. In this article, we will tell you how to fix voice typing not working in Windows and the possible causes for the feature not working in the first place.

Voice Typing Not Working on Windows? Here's How to Fix It

Why Voice Typing May Not Work on Windows?

There are several reasons why voice typing may not work on Windows 11/10. Some of the common ones are:

  • Microphone access: Voice typing requires your PC’s microphone to work. If you have turned off Microphone access for some apps, the feature may not work as intended.
  • Language settings: While Voice typing supports many languages, your speech and voice typing language should match for the feature to work correctly.
  • Loose connection: If you’re using an external microphone, like a headset or a USB mic, you must ensure it’s properly connected to your PC. A loose or faulty connection can prevent voice typing from detecting your voice input.
  • Low volume: If your Microphone is too low, or your speech isn’t as loud as it should be, the voice typing feature may not work. You need to adjust your microphone volume from your device or your PC’s settings menu to ensure that voice typing can hear you.

How to Fix Voice Typing Not Working on Windows

Depending on the cause of the problem, there are different ways to fix voice typing not working on Windows. Here are some of the most effective ones:

  1. Check And Enable Microphone Access
  2. Check And Change Language Setting
  3. Check Microphone Connection
  4. Update Your System
  5. Increase Your Microphone Volume

Let’s look at all of these fixes in detail.

1] Check and Enable Microphone Access

If voice typing is not working on Windows, you should first check and enable microphone access for the app or the system. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Open Windows settings by pressing the Windows+I buttons on your keyboard.
  • Click on Privacy & Security in the left pane, and then from the App permissions section, Open Microphone.

Allowing Microphone In Windows

  • Ensure that Microphone access is turned on at the top of the page.

Enabling Microphone access for all apps in Windows

  • Close the Settings app and try using voice typing again.

2] Check and Change Language Settings

Another possible reason for voice typing not working on Windows is that your speech language doesn’t match your system language or the language of the app you’re using. To check and change your language settings, follow these steps:

  • Press Windows+Spacebar to bring up the language switcher. Ensure that your language and the system input language are the same. If it is not while keeping the Windows button pressed, press Space to toggle different languages; when selected, leave the Windows button to confirm the selection.
  • You’ll need to add your desired language if you cannot find it. To do this, open Windows settings, then head to the Time and Language section from the left pane.
  • In the Time and Language settings, open Language and Region. Now click on the blue Add a Language button.

Adding a new language to Windows PC

  • This will display a list of languages. Click on your preferred language to select it, then click the Next button.

Installing a new language in Windows

  • Now, configure other language installation settings, and finally, click the Install button to Install the desired language.

Configuring language installation settings In Windows

  • Once installed, use the Language Switcher shortcut to change your system input language. Try reusing the Voice typing feature now.

3] Wiggle the Cord or Plug in Your Microphone Properly

If you’re using an external microphone, like a headset or a USB mic, you must ensure it’s properly connected to your PC. A loose or faulty connection can prevent voice typing from detecting your voice input. To fix this, follow these steps:

  • Check if your microphone has a mute button or switch and ensure it’s not muted.
  • Check if your microphone has a volume control knob or slider, and ensure it’s not set to the lowest level.
  • Check your microphone has a light indicator, and ensure it’s on or blinking.
  • Wiggle the cord or plug of your microphone and see if that makes any difference.
  • Unplug and plug in your microphone again and ensure it’s inserted firmly and securely into the correct port on your PC.
  • Try using voice typing again.

4] Update Your System

Windows is an operating system that is frequently updated. With each update comes some bug fixes and enhancements to your PC. It is essential to keep your system updated to the latest available version to prevent specific issues from coming up. If you are encountering the Voice typing not working issue in Windows, try updating your system.

Related: No Audio After Updating Windows

5] Increase Your Microphone Volume

Voice typing may not work if your microphone volume is too low or muted. You need to adjust your microphone volume from your device or your PC’s settings menu to ensure that voice typing can hear you. To increase your microphone volume, follow these steps:

  • Right-click the speaker icon in the Taskbar and then select Sound settings from the menu that appears.

Opening Sound settings from Taskbar

  • In the Sound settings, scroll down to find the input section and check if the volume slider is up to 100.

Increasing Microphone Volume In Windows

  • You can use the slider to control the Microphone sensitivity for your device.
  • Check to see if the voice typing is working now.


Voice typing is a handy feature that lets you speak instead of typing on your keyboard. It can save you time, effort, and typing errors. It is common to have issues with certain Windows features. With our article, we aimed to fix the Voice typing not working issue for you. We hope this article proved to be helpful to you. If yes, please share this article with anyone looking for a fix.

Why Is Google Voice Typing Not Working on PC?

If Google Voice Typing doesn’t work on your PC, try these steps: check your microphone and its permissions, ensure a stable internet connection, resolve any browser issues by clearing cache or reinstalling Chrome, check language settings, confirm the voice typing feature is enabled in Google Docs, update your browser, or try a different device. If none of these work, the issue could be temporary with Google’s servers, and retrying later is recommended.

How to Do Voice Typing in MS Word?

Microsoft Word’s voice typing is powered by Windows’ inbuilt dictation tool. It requires a functioning microphone and the initiation of Windows Speech Recognition via the Windows + H shortcut. Your spoken words, including punctuation and formatting commands, are transcribed into text.


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