Hipmunk is a flight search engine with just one goal, save your time figuring out which flight to choose and let you choose instead. When you make a search the result at first glance gives you clear idea on how much time each flight will take which is one of the important factors while choosing a flight. They use an algorithm, Agony which uses a combination of Price, Duration and number of prices.
Features :
- Search result in just one page.
- Lets you compare flights one with other.
- Hovering over one flight gives you detail of transit.
- You can also sort according to factors like price, stops, departure time etc.
- Tabbed interface makes it really easy when you want to book return tickets.
- You can also make searches on different tabs.
Check out Hipmunk, Thanks Matt.
Thanks for the review! If you’ve got any followup questions for the hipmunk team – please email us! [email protected]
I was about to try Hipmunk, when my friend pointed out that Kayak is superior in so many ways. Hipmunk doesn’t even have any of the helpful features that Kayak does.
I made sure to save my friends from using the disaster that is Hipmunk!