Flip your Facebook homepage upside down

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Facebook is the online home for most of the internet users these days. If you too are there on Facebook, here is a something to have fun with your account. Have a look at the snapshot below –

Flip your Facebook homepage upside down

Though this can’t be called as turning your Facebook homepage upside down, but yeah, this is quite closer to it.

This can be enabled on any Facebook profile, if you want to enable it on your Facebook, simply go to the ‘Account Setting’ and select the ‘Language’ tab there, and there you will find English (upside down), as shown below.

How to Flip your Facebook homepage upside down

As soon you select this English (Upside Down), soon the page will reload, and you will see the language changed, all you will see is English written upside down.

This change will not be seen by your friends, but if you belong to that prankster community, you will probably love showing off this upside down view of you your Facebook page, isn’t it?

Go ahead and give it a try, if you know some other such tips or fun ways for Facebook, do share with us via comments.


  1. I found this not too long ago while editing my profile one day. Actually, I also found a site somewhere, not too long ago, where you could type something into a box, and it would flip it upside down, allowing you to C&P it to your status update. So, I figured, why not? Could be good for a few laughs, at least! It was actually interesting to see my inbox quickly fill with friends who wondered “what happened” to my status? Was something wrong with Facebook? I guess I am easily amused.


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