Free Android app gives you access to 23,000+ Great Quotes

I love reading quotes and posting them as Facebook updates, recently I got this free app for Android, named as 23,000 GREAT QUOTES. I immediately downloaded it to my phone.

It has a dead simple interface. Simple forward and backward arrows are there to see the next and previous quote. It also has a ‘More’ button, which allows you to access options like, ‘Add to Favorites’, ‘Show Favorites’, ‘Search by Keyword’, ‘Browse by Authors’, ‘More by this Author’, and also it comes with Facebook integration, or you can simply copy the quote to your clipboard, or directly email the quote to a friend, it uses your email for this purpose.

Summarily, you can favorite a Quote and come back to it at any point of time, if you like a quote from specific author, you can browse more from the same, and easily share a quote with your friends by Facebook, email, or copy it to clipboard and share it the way you want.

All the quotes are stored within the application itself, so as far as browsing and reading the quotes is concerned; you don’t need an Internet connection for that.

Here are the snapshots of the app –

23,000 Great Quotes Free Android appFree Android Application Quotes 23,000 Great Quotes23,000 Great Quotes Free Application for Android Phones optionsBrowse by Authors 23,000 Great Quotes Free Android app

You can visit the official page of 23,000 Great Quotes to get the QR code here, and install it from the Android Market.


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