Anime Themes for Windows 7

Anime characters, originated in Japan, are very popular when it comes to cartoons or wallpapers and today we have got a collection of Anime themes for Windows 7.  As of now they include Manga, Akatsuki, Garra etc. Make sure to bookmark and we will keep updating as we find more reliable download sources.

Manga Action Theme

This is an action filled Managa Theme where you can see Animes Skating, Riding the futuristic bikes and getting ready with awesome glasses. These images are by Ghy Kurabayashi and Steve Sampson.

Manga Style Skateboard

Download this official theme

Akatsuki (Naruto) Theme

Comes with 30 + Wallpapers and includes icons for My Computer, Recycle Bin etc.  If you aren’t aware Akatsuki (Naruto) are Fiction character where they play criminal role and are the most wanted group in the Shinobi, a virtual world.

Akatsuki Windows 7 Theme


Gaara Theme for Windows 7

Gaara Theme for Windows 7


Naruto Shippuden Theme

Includes 45 High Resolution wallpaper including Custom Icons for your desktop.

Naruto Shippuden Windows 7 Theme


Touhou Windows 7  Theme ( Six High Resolution Wallpaper )

Touhou Windows 7 Theme


Anime Theme Pack for Windows 7

Set of 8 Themes featuring Nanao, Nanami, Nanako, Nanae and Nana.

Anime Pack for Windows 7




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