Sketching and Prototyping are sometimes a part of somebody’s profession and working, and at times we find people for whom this is more like a hobby. Here is an awesome app, which can be very helpful if you are in to prototyping and sketching by any means. Pencil is a cool desktop app, which can be used to create awesome sketches and prototypes, later you can save your creation in .png (transparent), .PDF, and several other formats.
Once installed you can launch the application and later simply use the right panel, drag and drop the components to the canvas, and later resize, rotate, and arrange the way you want.
Pencil app is available for Linux flavors and Windows as well, however the Mac version is isn’t available as yet, but not to worry, the solution too is there, the Firefox add-on. Pencil also has a Firefox add-on which is an alter-ego of the Pencil desktop app when it comes to features and all. Download the Firefox extension as .xpi file, later use the ‘Open’ option under your Firefox’s File tab to install the add-on, and now you can access the Pencil under the ‘Tools’ tab.
Pencil, apart from sketching and prototyping, can also be used for logo making like activities, the fact that it renders transparent PNG files makes it efficient enough to consider as a logo creation app.
Go ahead and download either the Pencil app or the Firefox add-on and flaunt your creative skills to the world.
As far as Drawing Graphs and Diagrams is concerned Dia too is another amazing app, the number of file format options available for exporting your work is incredible. For creating diagrams in collaboration, Cacoo is nice online tool.