GeoPedia finds Wikipedia entry even for a street (iPad / iPhone App)

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If you are trying to find information of a certain place on Wikipedia, GeoPedia App for iPad and iPhone is a handy app which can find it for you. This application uses Google Maps for location search and Wikipedia as database with capacity of finding a Wikipedia entry even to a street level, if its available.  In simple language, it uses the geo-location data and matches with the location data in Wikipedia.

Geopedia app for iPad

To find info about any place you need to manually navigate and zoom  and then hit the search button. By default it displays 10 results which can be increased up to 100. Tapping on any of the search result will open the Wikipedia Entry for you.

Manually locating a place is a drawback of the app and there is no way you can launch the Wikipedia page into Safari Browser or save it. I hope these basic things will come in future updates.

Download it from iTunes.


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