SEO or Search engine optimization is one of the areas which every webmaster should be aware of. Search Engines change their way of handling sites and url but there are some basics which are always same. Microsoft has a SEO toolkit which allows you to analyze your website and compare it against the standard SEO rules and give you in depth SEO tip which will help you increase traffic from search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and others.
I used this tool on one of our website and we were able to drop the count of SEO Violations from 2265 to 427.

- The report is categorized into Violations,Content analysis, performance report and link analysis.
- The toolkit tells you about missing alt attribute in images, missing h1 tag, invalid markup,missing keyword, description,and any other seo violations.
- Content analysis is important as it tells you about duplicate keywords,meta tags etc.
- Analyzes your Robots.text file
- Analyzes Sitemap

SEO Toolkit is added right into IIS 7 which will be useful when you perform new site development and help for clients who look forward for SEO optimization along with site application development.
SEO Toolkit can be downloaded from here and you can read in depth about it here