Get notified when a place physically changes on Google Maps

If you been tracking places on earth for any physical changes, like construction of building or if the lake is getting dried up using Google Maps, Follow Your World App can let know you when it actually changes. Yes now you need not to spend time checking every few hours a day to find it.

With Follow Your World App you can pin point a location on any place on earth and next time there is an update in the Google Maps satellite and aerial imagery, it will send you can email. You can have multiple points like this which is available under dashboard. Make sure you read the FAQ for complete understanding.

Follow your world

Update :

After almost a year, I got an email back from Follow Your World which notified me that above marked place was changed. Totally awesome. You can see in the image below, how Follow Your World spotted a difference when it saw change in colours. This happened because of recent renovation at the stadium.

Eden Garden Change Notification

You also get a Dashboard which lists down all the places you are tracking with details on when you where notified last, Status one click to unsubscribe from it. The only drawback is there is no way to edit once you have submitted it. So if you want to change, unsubscribe and create new point.

Follow Your World Dashboard

Via SEO Roundtable


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