Changing your desktop wallpaper is one of the common ways to make your computer truly yours. It allows you to get more of a personalized experience. But many users have this how do I change my desktop background question in their mind.
And if you are one of such users, I will share a step-by-step guide on how you can customize your desktop background.
Windows offers you multiple ways to change your desktop wallpaper. For instance, you can keep your own photo as wallpaper or use Windows’s default wallpapers.
However, to help you out, let me go ahead and talk about all the methods one by one.
How Do I Change My Desktop Background? (Windows 11, Windows 10)
There are a few different ways to change desktop background on Windows 10 and Windows 11. And in this article, I will be talking about the below methods.
- Using image.
- Personalization Settings.
- Set a solid color as the background.
- Keep multiple pictures as wallpaper.
So let’s quickly go ahead and look at all of these options one by one:
1] Using Image
If you have an image that you want to use as your desktop background, Windows offers you the easiest way to set your desktop background.
- At first, right-click on the image.
- Then select, set as desktop background option.
This will instantly change your desktop background to the image you have selected.
2] Personalization Settings
You can also set a new desktop wallpaper by going to settings. This is a useful feature if you wish to use Window’s default wallpapers. For this, you have to follow these steps:
- At first, click on the Windows icon and go to Settings.
- Then click on Personalization.
- Now from the background’s drop-down menu, select a picture if it’s not selected already. In Windows 11, click on the Background Menu, and then select an image under Personalize your background.
- You will need to click on any of the available images under that background menu, and your desktop background will get changed.
- Also, if you wish to set your own image as wallpaper, then click on browse and select the image, and you are good to go.
In the case of multiple monitors, when you right-click on any image here, it will offer you the option to set it for Monitor 1 or Montoir 2 and so on. You can also change for all Virtual Desktop from here.
3] Keep Solid Color As Background
If you don’t want to use any wallpaper as your desktop wallpaper and want to keep a solid color, Windows 11/10 lets you do it. As a result, if you want a blue background, there is no need to download a blue background image.
Instead, you can follow these steps:
- Right-click on an empty area on your desktop.
- Go to Personalization > Background
- Select a solid color from the drop-down menu located under the background in Windows 10 or Personalize your background in Windows 11
- Then choose any of the colors you like, or you can create your custom color, and it will set as your desktop background.
4] Keep Multiple Pictures As Wallpaper
Windows 10 and Windows 11 also allow you to keep multiple pictures as your wallpaper. As a result, the background of your desktop will get changed frequently. To do so, you have to follow these steps:
- At first, create a folder and copy all the images you wish to use as your desktop background.
- Then right-click on an empty area on your desktop and select Personalize.
- Next, use the drop-down menu and select slideshow under Background in Windows 10 or Perzonalization > Background > Personalize your Background in Windows 11.
- Click on the browse button and select the folder in which you have stored your pictures.
- Lastly, select the picture change frequency by clicking on the change picture in every dropdown. Shuffle picture order, run slideshow when on battery, and choose a fit for the image. Windows allows you to change the desktop background from 1 minute to 1 day.
So that was the answer to your question. These are a few ways to change the desktop background on Windows 10 and Windows 11. So go ahead and give these methods a try and see if they are working for you. Also, if there is anything you would want to ask, then drop a comment below.