How to Insert YouTube Videos into PowerPoint SlideShows

If you have a video on YouTube that you need to share during a presentation, Microsoft PowerPoint offers built-in support. It gives you the advantage of not opening YouTube on a browser and instead directly play it in the slideshow. This post will show how you can insert YouTube Videos into PowerPoint Slide Shows.

This method works across Microsoft Office products. Microsoft Office 365 and 2019 supports video from YouTube, SlideShare, Vimeo, and Stream.

How to Insert YouTube Videos into PowerPoint SlideShows

  • Open PowerPoint Presentation
  • Click on Insert Tab, and then expand the Media toolInsert Video on PowerPoint Slide
  • Click on the down arrow under the Video
  • Select Insert Online Video to open the Video Wizard
  • Copy and Paste the YouTube Video URL, and click on the Insert button.

Video Preview PowerPoint

You will get to see a full preview of the YouTuybe Video URL, including options such as Watch Later, Share, and so on. You can also play it to be sure that this is the video you need to add.

Manage YouTube Video in Presentation

Once inserted, it will become like any other element in PowerPoint. You can then choose to resize and fit it well.

In the latest version of Microsoft Office, you can also Stock video directly. The interface offers you to search based on keywords and filter by categories. The video will include the audio and will work offline. However, for online videos, you need a working internet connection. 

Insert or Add YouTube Videos in Microsoft Office 2010

While Office 2010 gives you a direct option to embed YouTube Videos into PowerPoint Slide show, you can use YouTube Video Wizard to insert videos in Office 2007 and 2003. The only thing you should be careful of is the resolution of the computer as it changes according to the video when you’re run the slideshow.

Go to Insert Tab. In the end, you have the option to embed the video. When you click on that, you can

  • Add video from a file, i.e., Video on your computer.
  • Add video from the Website. You can here enter the embed code of the YouTube Video.
  • Clip Art Video.

How to add or embed YouTube Videos into PowerPoint Slide ShowsSince YouTube gives iframe code by default, you will have to check on Use Old Embed Code when you click on the embed option.

Old Embed Code for YouTube Video

Office 2007 and Office 2003

YouTube Video Wizard is a PowerPoint plugin that can embed YouTube videos directly into your slide show. This plugin is available for Office PowerPoint 2003, 2007, and 2010. All you need to do is install the appropriate plugin, and it’s added to the insert menu. Then it’s just 3 steps after you provide a valid YouTube URL. Here is the list of features of this Add-in and images at the end.

Insert YouTube Video PPT

Features of YouTube Wizard

  • Set the play mode or loop mode.
  • Set the fitting or things like border width etc.,
  • Set video size, e.g., 50%
  • Set Position of the flash video in the slide

I hope the post was easy to follow, and you were able to insert YouTube Videos in PowerPoint.

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