How to cancel / delete downloading Podcasts / Videos in iPad

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Last night I started a huge amount podcast download on my iPad and when I found them too big there was no direct way I can found to cancel it. I tried tapping, double tapping, used the menu button but nothing worked to cancel the podcast I was downloading.When I turned off the WiFi it kept saying that it needs WiFi to download the episodes.

I was thinking to connect to iTunes and then see if I get option but then I remembered on how I was deleting images in the DropBox Application : Swipe that was the option to delete anything which is inside any application.  🙂

So if you want to cancel or delete any podcast or video on your iPad from iTunes, just swipe your finger to right and you will see a red colored delete button there. Push that and you are done.Make sure you slide slowly else you might move the whole grid of download. This should be applicable to iPhone and iPod devices too.


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