How to Find Licenses and Serial Numbers of Installed Software on Windows 11/10

With so many software programs and licenses and serial numbers for each, it can be difficult to track them all. But what if there was a way to find the license keys for all installed software on your Windows PC? In this article, we will tell you how to find licenses and serial numbers for installed software on Windows 11/10.

Find Licenses and Serial Numbers of Installed Software on Windows

How to Find Licenses and Serial Numbers of Installed Software on Windows 11/10?

In this section, we will look at a few methods and software that allow you to view license and serial numbers for all installed software on your Windows PC. Here’s all that’s covered:

  1. Using Registry Editor
  2. Nirsfot Produkey
  3. Belarc Advisor
  4. EaseUS Key Finder

Let’s dive in!

1] Using Registry Editor

Windows Registry stores all the crucial information and instructions for an app’s proper functioning. Many software companies also store their licenses and serial numbers in Windows’ Registry. Here’s how to look it up:

  • Search Registry Editor in the Windows start menu and open it.
  • In the Registry Editor, go to the following path:
  • Now, you will see the developers’ names for the software installed on your PC.

Opening all software details in Registry Editor

  • Click the one for which you wish to find the license and serial number.
  • This step is about improvising a little; typically, keys are stored in entries titled Productkey or License. This can be different for different vendors.
  • For example, for VMWare, the key is stored in the Product Key entry, so the best way to find it is by looking for similar entries, double-clicking them, and assessing their contents.

View VMWare license key in registry editor

Many software doesn’t store keys in the registry or have them tucked into specific locations, which can’t generally be accessed using the Windows registry. This method may not work on all installed software and typically works best on offline software.

2] Nirsoft produkey

Nirsoft Produkey on Windows

Nirsoft Produkey is a trusted companion for finding software keys on Windows. The application, while having an outdated interface and not supporting Windows 10 and 11 (as displayed on the website), still works flawlessly on both OS(s). It works on most Microsoft products and some Adobe and Autodesk products.


  • Lightweight and easy to use.
  • Works on Windows 10, 11.
  • Finds licenses for famous devs like Adobe and Autodesk.
  • Works on command line interface as well.
  • Free to use.


  • Outdated user interface.
  • No official support for Windows 11/10.

Pricing: Free for personal use

Download Nirsoft Produkey

3] Belarc Advisor

Viewing software licenses using Belarc Advisor

Belarc Advisor also doubles as a browser vulnerability detector. It provides a detailed profile of all the software installed on your PC, along with its product keys and potential issues. The software is frequently updated.


  • Lightweight and easy to use.
  • Provides detailed reports for each installed software.
  • Scans your PC and software for vulnerabilities.
  • Completely free for personal use.
  • Works offline.


  • Requires email and other details to download
  • Does not work on some software.

Pricing: Free for personal use.

Download Belarc Advisor

4] EaseUS Key Finder

EaseUs Key Finder

EaseUS Key Finder is the ultimate solution for finding software license keys and serial numbers from your Windows PC. The software is feature-packed, frequently updated, and has a modern interface. In addition, it can find Wi-Fi passwords, Windows login credentials, browser-stored passwords, and keys and serial numbers for 10,000+ apps.


  • Modern and easy-to-use interface.
  • Find keys and serial numbers for 10000+ software.
  • Find Wifi passwords, Windows credentials, and browser-stored passwords.


  • Only a free trial is available.
  • Highly priced as compared to others.

Pricing: Starts at $29.95 to $49.95, Free trial available

Download EaseUS Key Finder


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