How To Install and Enable Hyper-V on Windows 11/10 Home

Windows 11 Home Edition is like the previous Microsoft OS version and doesn’t include Hyper-V Manager. Therefore, this guide will tell how to install and enable Hyper-V on Windows 11/10 home.

Windows 11/10 Home does not support many features such as Group Policy, Hyper-V and more. The Home edition of Windows is designed for users who do not want to deal with anything technical such as Hyper-V or Group Policy. One reason it is also less expensive is that it does not require specialized knowledge. But then users may get into a situation where they want to install Hyper-V on Windows 11/10 Home edition.

How to install and enable Hyper-V on Windows Home

What is Hyper-V?

Microsoft Hyper-V is a virtual machine software that you can create and run virtual machines on your PC. A virtual machine (VMs) is an isolated instance of an operating system that does not affect the host computer. In contrast with Vmware or Virtualbox, this software is only available in the pro versions of Windows. Hypervisors enable you to distribute computer resources like RAM, CPU performance, or storage space among multiple virtual machines.

You can use Hyper-V to test unstable or dangerous applications or if you need a specific feature from a particular operating system. For example, you can install Ubuntu if you need something from Linux, but you prefer Windows as your primary operating system.

How to Install Hyper-V on Windows 11/10 Home

make hypher-v bat file in windows

The process of installing Hyper-V on Home editions of Windows might seem complicated, but it’s very straightforward. To get started, follow these steps:

  • Go to Start > Search Box > Search for Notepad.
  • Copy and paste the following content into a new file in Notepad:
pushd "%~dp0"

dir /b %SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\*Hyper-V*.mum >hyper-v.txt

for /f %%i in ('findstr /i . hyper-v.txt 2^>nul') do dism /online /norestart /add-package:"%SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\%%i"

del hyper-v.txt

Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Hyper-V -All /LimitAccess /ALL

  • Go to the File menu > Choose the Save as option from the Save as drop-down menu.
  • Name the file Hyper-V.bat and save it on the desktop pr wherever you prefer.
  • Once you’ve saved it, right-click on the file and choose Run as administrator.
  • Now, you should be able to find a new Command Prompt or Windows Terminal window making changes.
  • The process may take a while. Once it completes, you will have to restart your computer.

Make sure to follow these steps correctly, and Hyper-V will be successfully installed on your PC.

How to Enable Hyper-V on Windows 11/10 Home

enable Hyper-V on Windows 11/10 Home

By using this script, you can enable Hyper-V. However, you need to allow it through Windows Optional Features to use Hyper-V finally. You can do this by following these simple steps:

  • Press Windows + R hotkey from the keyboard to open the Run dialog box.
  • Type optional features > Click the OK button to open the Windows Features dialog in the Run box.
  • Check the Hyper-V and all its components in the Windows Features.
  • Finally, click on the OK button.
  • Click on the Restart now button to reboot your computer and complete the setup of Hyper-V.

You can also try out another method to enable Hyper-V on your PC:

  • Go to the Start menu > Search Box and search for Turn Windows Features on or off. Next, select the main listed result.
  • It will open the Windows Features. Here you can select additional features that come with Windows and turn them on or off.
  • Scroll down, find and check the checkboxes that say Hyper-V Management Tools and Hyper-V Platform.
  • Once you’ve done this, restart your computer to make changes, and you should be all set.

The Hyper-V feature is now enabled, so you can create a new instance and start deploying a new operating system in the VM, like Windows 11. 

What is the Purpose of Hyper-V?

A hypervisor is a term used to describe virtualization systems or platforms. Microsoft’s Hyper-V is well known. Other well-known hypervisors include VMWare’s ESXi and VSphere, Citrix XenServer, KVM Open Source Hypervisor, and Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV). VSphere and Hyper-V currently dominate the virtualization market. It helps us in the following ways:

  • Creating and testing programs, operating systems, and software updates
  • Expansion of the IT infrastructure to handle a broader workload
  • Saving or migrating data from legacy devices is possible
  • It will enhance business continuity

How to Check if My PC Supports Hyper-V?

Your computer must meet the following minimum hardware requirements to run Hyper-V:

  • 64-bit processor with Second Level Address Translation (SLAT).
  • A processor must support VM Monitor Mode Extension (VT-c on Intel chips).
  • Minimum 4GB RAM.

Aside from the previous requirement, you should also ensure that the Virtualization Technologies and Hardware Enforced Data Execution Prevention options are enabled in the firmware. You can verify this by performing the following steps:-

  • Press Windows + R on your keyboard to open the Run dialog box.
  • In the Run box, type cmd > press Enter.
  • Type the following command into the Windows Terminal window that appears > Press Enter.
  • In the Hyper-V Requirements section, all the answers should be Yes.

That’s it!

What Are the Benefits of Hyper-V? Should You Install It on Your Computer?

It helps turn a single hardware server into several virtual machines/servers through software called Hyper-V. You could utilize Hyper-V if you’re interested in running new operating systems on your computer without affecting the host OS.

Is Hyper-V Good for Gaming?

Hyper-V lets you run games on a virtual machine, but the performance won’t be as high as your host operating system. To play games, we recommend using the host operating system (Windows in this case).

Does Hyper-V Affect Performance?

Virtual machines consume memory and resources while they are running. Thus, this may cause performance issues with the host operating system.

I hope this post helps you and you install and enable Hyper-V on Windows 11/10 Home.

Nandini Keshri
Nandini Keshri is a student, writer, and tech enthusiast. When not writing about tech, she loves to write poetry and explore the world.


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