How to recover deleted sections of Office OneNote 2010

OneNote is a major life line for many Microsoft Office power users, specially who want a completely paperless office.However there was no recovery system available for OneNote in 2007 because of which when you delete any page or the notebook it was completely out of your hands.

In Office 2010 there is a new feature, Recycle Bin for OneNote is added.  This feature is turned on by default fo any new OneNote you create or have converted from Office 2007. It is available under Share Tab of OneNote.

OneNote Recycle Bin

When you click on NoteBook recycle bin it will display all the notes which you had deleted for that notebook since last 60 days. Anytime you want to recover, just right click on that section and move, copy or merge into another section.  OneNote creates a recycle folder in the same folder where all OneNote section is kept.

Since OneNote Recycle can keep only for 60 days it is always advisable to back up it up using the inbuilt backup system of OneNote.  This backup system allows you to even save your document across network and configure how many backup you will need.

You also have option to completely disable Recycle Bin for OneNote if space is a crunch for you, however you can always optimize using the optimize All Files Now Option which is under Save and Backup.

Optimize OneNote Size

Related : Quick Features of Office One Note 2010 to take notes faster


  1. Hello,

    I am having a problem with OneNote 2010. I was on the beta version of Office 2010 and just received my discs and would like to upgrade to the release version. However, during my last sync between my pda and laptop, I lost some of my pages and notes on pages within OneNote Mobile. I just read your article on the OneNote Recycle Bin which I never noticed before or new about. I am hoping that I will be able to recover these items via the recycle bin but obviously I am locked out of the beta software because its expired. My question is: is there a place on the hard drive that the recycle bin content is stored or will I lose the notes/previous note versions once I uninstall and then reinstall the software? Is there any solution to this? These notes are REALLY important to me.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  2. Hi David,

    Yes there is. You need to go inside the folder which contains the One Note files and look for a folder which says OneNote_RecycleBin

    Open this and it will have all your items that were deleted and moved to recycle bin of OneNote.


  3. I am using a surface pro and accidentally deleted some one note sections when trying to export one section…I had switched from the modern one note to desktop version thought I had exported the section I wanted and delete the rest… turned out I deleted the sections

    I can’t find the recycle folder mentioned here. What would the SkyDrive relative path look like?


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